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Showing posts from February, 2021

Inspiring Quote

Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may prevent it. This is certain. The best course, therefore, is to remain silent. ― Ramana Maharshi  

Inspiring Quote

 The great are strongest when they stand alone, A God-given might of being is their force. ― Sri. Aurobindo  

Inspiring Quote

 Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside. ― Sri Ramana Maharshi  

Inspiring Quote

 There is nothing the mind can do that cannot be better done in the mind's immobility and thought-free stillness. When the mind is still, then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence. ― Sri Aurobindo